Münchner Freiheit Motours Münchner Freiheit Motours - Empty
49 (0) 89 51 66 78 51

Draft to reach the meeting point 

Don´t search for us too long, use the map: HIER and have a look to the way:  ROUTENPLANER 


Tipps to approach


meeting point

Our meeting point is thge BMW motorcycle hall in Munich. The meeting time  you find on your travel information. You will meet your team mates for the tour and it is able to change your clothes. Departure will be 30 min later, please be in time, we cannot wait. 


If you missed the meeting point

If you realis, the you will not be in time at the meeting point, contact the staff in the BMW-hall (Tel.: 0049 (0) 89 / 382-6 86 45) and inform your guide or our office (Tel.: 0049 (0) 89 / 51 66 78 51).


Car park

You can park your vehicle in front of the hall, there are some lots. It is not possible to store things in the hall. 


Approach with car or bike (siehe Skizze)

If you arrive from the motorway A9 from Nuernberg you leave it at exit Freimann and follow the plates for M.O.C. tradefair. It leads you to the left into the Liliental-Alley.After 200m you turn left to the Edmund-Rumpler-Street. The next turn right brings you to the BMW hall. 

If you come from downtown of Munich, take the motorway A9 to Nuernberg and leave it at exit Freimann. The rest like above.


Approach with public transport/subway

Use U6 (direction Garching-Hochbrück or. Fröttmaning), station „Freimann“. Leave to the left for 300m in direction to M.O.C. Behind the sports area on the left you find the hall. 



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